Our Services

In-Person Toileting Implementation (British Columbia only)


If you live in B.C., our team can come to you and work with your child/teen in your home. Often, we visit every day for an immersive week focused on toileting, then provide as much follow-up support as you need after that to ensure success.

However, this immersive approach isn’t right for everyone we work with. We always adjust our plans to meet the learner where they are and help them achieve toileting success in a positive, fun, and efficient manner! To discuss what approach might work best for your learner, please contact us. After you answer some brief questions, we can narrow down the approach we would use and offer you a proposal and a fee estimate.

Parent Coaching via Zoom


If you’re not in B.C. (or you are in B.C. but just want some support in implementing toileting on your own), we are pleased to offer parent coaching via Zoom! Typically, this would involve an assessment call, in which you could tell us about the toileting challenges you’re experiencing. From there, we can provide you with some personalized suggestions (and a written plan to follow, if you like). Then, you’re welcome to book follow-up Zoom calls or email us questions at your convenience; we’ll offer as much or as little support as you need.

Please contact us if you have questions about parent coaching or are ready to set up a Zoom meeting!

Online Courses


Folks, there is so much incorrect and even harmful information about toilet training on the internet. Please don’t Google! Part of our mission is to help disseminate research-based information about toileting, especially for people with developmental disabilities, to help parents and professionals find things that will actually work! Thus, we are in the process of developing some online courses to help fill this void.

Please click here to check out our available courses! Poop Learning 101 is for those who pee in the toilet easily, but struggle with poop. Toilet Learning 101 is a from-scratch model if you’re stuggling with teaching toileting skills to your child or haven’t attempted it yet at all.